Coastal Reservoir stands as a new paradigm for creating power and water at the coast: the atmosphere of southern California is bound together with its landscapes in a resource-harvesting cycle--an integrated energy ecology. Great pillars of steel and mesh once again punctuate the horizon--recalling the rigs and derricks of an oil-hungry past--but now as symbols of a clean, sustainable energy and water generation. Though driven by wind and waves, this is not a kinetic sculpture. Though modular and floating, the assembled structure is stable and durable. Coastal Reservoir leverages the subtle but continuous shifts in the environment. From the undulating water levels, the shifting daily and seasonal weather patterns, the invisible migrations of seeds.

Sculpture: Solid & Void The total dynamism of an environment is carried in its atmosphere – its temperature, its pressure, its humidity, its chemistry. In Coastal Reservoir, we imagine carving into this volume of air to reveal these properties. With a geometric slices, we cleave the volume into a solid, contained in the red A-shaped steel pillars; and a void, framed and filled by the V-shaped mesh funnels.

Coastal Reservoir sits beyond the breakwater, parallel to the beach. It is a structure that dominates its section of the horizon, but its appearance is constantly changing. Heavy steel, ghostly mesh, and framed void are in continuous play. In summer mornings, it appears as a slender radiant band; in winter months, the morning sun breaks the form into three distinct volumes. At mid-day, the mesh enclosures glow green from the interior vegetation. As the sun sets, the back-lit pillars emerge and the meshes dissolve in shadow. When fog rolls in, the entire structure is obscured, this fuzzy concerns merging with the atmosphere. At night, lacy shadows of the up-lighted interior vegetation play across and through the mesh scrims.


Shortlisted Competition, Published


Ecology, Infrastructure


5.5 ha


Santa Monica, California, USA