

Honor Award, ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architects) Research and Planning Category, +StL: Great Rivers Greenway Masterplan

Honor Prize, AIA-NY (American Institute of Architects) Design Award, Urban Design Category, +StL: Great Rivers Greenway Masterplan
AIA-NY美国建筑师学会-纽约 设计奖荣誉奖:城市设计类别,圣路易斯地区林荫道总体规划

Winner, Architizer A+ Award in the Landscape & Planning – Unbuilt Masterplan category, +StL: Great Rivers Greenway Masterplan
Architizer 建筑师A+ 景观与规划奖:未建总体规划类别,圣路易斯地区林荫道总体规划

Distinguished Prize, AIA Central States (American Institute of Architects) Design Award, Urban Design category, +StL: Great Rivers Greenway Masterplan
AIA Central States美国建筑师学会-中部各州 设计奖杰出奖,城市设计类别,圣路易斯地区林荫道总体规划

Honor Award, AIA-St. Louis (American Institute of Architects) Design Award, Urban Design and Planning Category, +StL: Great Rivers Greenway Masterplan
AIA-St. Louis美国建筑师学会-圣路易斯 设计奖荣誉奖,城市设计与规划类别,圣路易斯地区林荫道总体规划

Winner, Global Forum on Human Settlements, Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Award for Planning and Design, +StL: Great Rivers Greenway Masterplan


Silver prize, Seoul International Garden Show, SUBSTRATES + STITCHES
首尔国际花园竞赛银奖,基质 + 缝纫


Winner, A+D Museum 2023 Design Award category: Bigger than a Model, Smaller than a Street, SUBSTRATES + STITCHES
A+D 博物馆设计奖类别获奖:比模型大,比街道小,基质 + 缝纫

Winner, Wetland Incubator “Walk and Pitch Competition, World Wildlife Fund HK/HSBC, Edge Effect