Temporary Garden Installation
Client: Oi! Gallery, LCSD
Collaborators: Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Arup
Status: Completed (2022)
赏森,悦木 香港
合作方: Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Arup
现状: (2022) 已建成

Valeche Studio was the landscape architect for this animated art installation consisting of 13 still and 3 spinning Chinese Junipers designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro. The trees tilt, wobble, and spin in defiance of the expectations of the static ornamental garden. Arbores Laetae is an interactive and constantly evolving urban landscape spectacle.
作为景观设计师,瓦莱切事务所与 Diller Scofidio + Renfro合作参与设计了由 13 棵静止、3 棵旋转的杜松树组成的动画艺术装置项目。这些倾斜、修剪和旋转的树木挑战了静态观赏花园的先例,创造了更具互动性的、不断变化的城市景观奇观。

Hundreds of junipers were reviewed before the final selection was made in order to ensure uniform size, shape, and texture in the sculpture. These trees will gradually evolve over the three-year installation as they respond to the microclimate and dynamics of the site.

Temporary Garden Installation
Client: Oi! Gallery, LCSD
Collaborators: Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Arup
Status: Completed (2022)
赏森,悦木 香港
合作方: Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Arup
现状: (2022) 已建成
Valeche Studio was the landscape architect for this animated art installation consisting of 13 still and 3 spinning Chinese Junipers designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro. The trees tilt, wobble, and spin in defiance of the expectations of the static ornamental garden. Arbores Laetae is an interactive and constantly evolving urban landscape spectacle.
作为景观设计师,瓦莱切事务所与 Diller Scofidio + Renfro合作参与设计了由 13 棵静止、3 棵旋转的杜松树组成的动画艺术装置项目。这些倾斜、修剪和旋转的树木挑战了静态观赏花园的先例,创造了更具互动性的、不断变化的城市景观奇观。
Hundreds of junipers were reviewed before the final selection was made in order to ensure uniform size, shape, and texture in the sculpture. These trees will gradually evolve over the three-year installation as they respond to the microclimate and dynamics of the site.