in collaboration with TLS
This project consists of a master plan and strategic development proposal completed for a high-profile international urban design competition. Asked to resolve ecological, social, and economic issues with a strategic landscape intervention in the heart of St. Louis, our master plan proposal envisioned a rebuttal of the typical resource-concentrating big landscape interventions. Our team was assembled on a principle of multidisciplinary and on community/professional partnerships. Committed to a horizontal design and decision making process, the resulting master plan focused on providing tactical measures to address specific problems related to equity, public health, and mobility in the city. We focused on three strategies in particular:
1) stimulating existing economic assets by planning linked investments,
2) “maximin” regeneration of disconnected ecological patches and corridors as a self-maintaining urban wilderness, and
3) an implementation sequence that would expand and ensure equity among the various communities affected by urban regeneration.
Our proposal reconnected a multimodal network at the city’s urban core in ways that brought incremental investment back to the communities and ecologies currently faltering, or forgotten, that surround the project corridor. The design drew on research on landscape systems in developing countries as a model for low-capital investment projects in the developed world. Working with hydrological engineers and ecologists, we defined series of prairie and wetland interventions with positive long-term cost-benefit returns. We ultimately articulated the project as a “counter-proposal” in critique of international competition practice. The project was publicly disseminated in public presentations and exhibitions. The original competition entry was evaluate by a jury of top academics and practitioners in architecture and urban design. The project has been awarded three prizes by top awards in the landscape and architecture disciplines.
TLS Landscape Architecture, [dhd] Derek Hoeferlin Design, Kristin Fleischmann Brewer, Bryan Cave LLP, Amanda Colón-Smith, Econsult Solutions, eDesign Dynamics, EDSI, Jeremy Goss, Langan, James Lima Planning and Development, Sal Martinez, Preservation Research Office, Project Controls Group, Prosperity Labs, Jason Purnell, Ramboll, Linda Samuels, Paola Aguirre Serrano, Silman, Terra Technologies
2019 American Society of Landscape Architects National Honor Award in Urban Design
2019 American Institute of Architects New York Honor Award
2019 American Institute of Architects Central States Distinguished Project Award
2019 American Institute of Architects St. Louis Honor Award
2019 Global Human Settlements Award for Planning and Design
2019 Architizer A+ Award Landscape & Planning
Masterplan, Greenway, and Public Park
80 linear km / 50 linear mi
St. Louis City, Missouri, USA
Great Rivers Greenway
Competition Finalist